INTech was my robotic club, and my team and I made this autonomous robot in 2015. Our robot has competed against other robots from other teams for 90 seconds on its own.
Such an endeavor requires various engineering efforts, including mechanical design, electronics integration, software development, etc. I was the lead on the software side, and an assistant mechanical designer for this project. For instance, I've worked on end to end tests suites, software documentation, and sensor signal processing.
This robot also was an opportunity for me to improve my mechanical design skills this year. I was genuinely happy to see that I’ve contributed with some unique designs. Some of them even turned out to be the most efficient ones in the whole competition.
I spent a lot of time making robots in 2014-2015. I’ve worked on many different robots: A Tank robot, a pedagogic robot, and a competitive robot. I enjoyed each one of them! The mono-wheel robot shown here was made by a friend, it's the one we used with our main competitive robot, at the French robotics cup. The rules allow for teams to put two robots on the table at the same time to get a higher score.
The INTech robotic club was lacking in the documentation department. I've spent hundreds of hours digging into old codebases, schematics and retrieving forgotten mechanical part references. I’ve put comprehensive documentation into place. I’ve learned a lot from it, because reviewing so much code and designs helped me putting things into perspective when it comes to designing embedded hardware or software.